Available Tumbling Classes

Preschool and Tiny Tumble

Preschool Tumble : Beginner I skills for children 3-4 years old

Tiny Tumble : Beginner I skills for children who are 4-6 years old.

Beginner Tumble I and II

Beginner I: Will focus on the building blocks of Tumble. This class will help your child learn how to roll, cartwheel, bridge and learn the basic foundation for strong tumble.

Beginner II: Will help you go from bridge to kick-over and will begin making tumble connections.

Intermediate Tumble I and II

Intermediate I: Will help your child learn a front and back walkover and the essential building blocks for handsprings.

Intermediate II: In this class your child will work to build their foundation for back handspring skills and establish the building blocks needed for strong running tumbling.

Advanced Tumble I and II

Advanced I: Working to perfect handsprings, transitional skills, and running tumble while working on front and back tuck building blocks.

Advanced II: Working on perfecting the athlete’s running tumble, higher level connecting skills, standing and running tuck sequences.

Elite Tumble

Elite tumble: Helps you move to the next level and meet all your tumbling goals. Fulls, Arabians, doubles, plus more!

Cheerleading Skills Development Classes


Cheer 101 Classes develop the essential beginner skills for cheerleading: Motions, Jumps, and Basic Stunts.

Flyer Flex

Perfect your skills as a flier in this class. This will be a mix of stretching and strength and conditions essential to excel in flying.

Group Stunt

Group Stunt is a way to help you grow in all the positions in your stunt group. All positions are welcome to join these classes.

Partner Stunt

Partner Stunt Class can help you prepare for the next level of cheerleading, at the collegiate level.

Jumps Skill Class

Jump Classes will help you perfect and refine your jump skills. From beginner to advanced, instructors will help individual students improve their jumping technique.